Twilight and Darkness
…Personal Awakening

The winter solstice. The frozen air. The deep, dark sky.

I know this will pass. I’ve been here before and before and before.

But sometimes my mind goes sideways and I need to bring her back to hope, to dreaming and to wonder.

blue and purple colored aurora borealis over a snowed covered mountain landscape

In the meantime, I remind myself that these steps can calm me, when I’m lonely and alone.

  1. Set boundaries
  2. Find sacred space
  3. Breathe deeply
  4. Attend to the moment
  5. Daydream
  6. Practice gratitude
  7. Reframe the questions

Candles help, too. So do blankets and music and a cup of something yummy.

The shortest night of the year gives way to more light the next day. And the next month. And for many more to come.

In the darkness I am warm, anticipating the morning after.


No more hurry

time now for firelight
and dreaming,

for church bells

with the cold,
quiet sunlight.

And somewhere

inside of you

a kernel of courage
unfurling —

each day, more light.
