The Value of Reconnection
…Autumn’s Harvest

Time flies by and priorities change. New happenings appear and we evolve. Through it all, cherished memories and past friendships fade out or at the very least, are put on the shelf for a time.

I was lucky this fall to reconnect with two dear women who played a huge part in my life…more than 30 years ago! Through college and into my early years of marriage, they cheered me on, comforted me and brought their own unique talents and life challenges into my humble abodes.

I found bits of me that I had forgotten about over the many years and moves, as we reminisced and laughed together. Our conversations included an inventory of key experiences and a deep dive about their impact over time.

I felt young and supported and silly and validated without having to justify anything. Unconditional love is what it was, and our wrinkles and tears and giddiness and acceptance filled my heart with joy.

group of 5 woman with strand lights and a dream catchers in front of the ocean

Kindred spirits. Different struggles, pursuits and communities of love and of heartbreak.

Through a bit of searching and amazing coincidences we found ourselves within visiting distance, and our stars (and schedules) aligned for a few precious days. In the midst of my not-forgotten-but-very-far-away ladies, my life slowed down for a time. It was fabulous.

For me, this lovely autumn season is all about my harvest. Celebrating Kathy and Dee and a younger version of them and of me. Joyous. Color-filled.

Friendships are gifts we give ourselves. Our journey continues…!
